True Wisdom
Take a deep look each week at familiar and unfamiliar Bible stories, as Andrew and Robert Baker go in search of true and practical guidance from God's Word — "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." (Proverbs 9:9-10 KJV) — Send questions and comments to: Questions@TrueWisdom.info #TrueWisdom
Podcasting since 2019 • 251 episodes
True Wisdom
Latest Episodes
#251: What is the purpose of the Church?
Some of us go to church weekly, and I mean weekly with out fail. Almost "religiously"! (Pun intended)But do we know why? For what reason do we go to church? Is there a Biblical reason to meet with like minded people each and every week a...
Season 7
Episode 11

#250 - There is only one way
With so many religions in the world and even so many denominations just within Christianity there are many who will say that there are many ways to get to eternal salvation. Is that right?Robert and Andrew read from John 10, John 14 and ...
Season 7
Episode 10

#249: Questions on Judgment
Should we be judging others? What is the right way to judge people?In this episode Andrew and Robert tackle a great question thanks to one of our listeners. The question was: "Is it possible to share with biblical evidenc...
Season 7
Episode 9

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